COHOA Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws of the Central Oklahoma Hockey Officials Association



Section 1.1 - Name

The name of this association shall be the Central Oklahoma Hockey Officials Association (hereinafter called COHOA), an Oklahoma not-for-profit corporation.

Section 1.2 - Office

COHOA may have offices at such places as the Board of directors may from time to time determine.


Section 2.1 - Purpose

The purpose of COHOA shall be to register and train ice hockey officials for USA Hockey, Inc. and others in the State of Oklahoma for the purposes of improving the quality of amateur and professional hockey in the state, for ensuring uniformity of rule interpretation, for creating better understanding between officials, coaches, players, fans and other persons, for developing more efficient officiating and maintaining the highest standards of officiating, for providing a forum for the discussion and dissemination of information on ice hockey rules, procedures and interpretations, and generally promoting the welfare of amateur and professional hockey, its players, administrators, fans and officials.

In addition, COHOA will cooperate with any organization, including those authorized by USA Hockey, Inc. to sponsor games and/or tournaments, or other organizations properly qualified (with regard to insurance and liability) to sponsor games and/or tournaments, in order to coordinate the methods and manner by which officials of COHOA will be selected and assigned to the games and/or tournament games. The qualifications of said officials will be solely determined by and at all times shall be the responsibility of COHOA. When the central Oklahoma area hosts a USA Hockey sponsored tournament, the applicable USA assignment policies will supersede COHOA procedures as required.

In furtherance of these purposes, COHOA will test officials, critique officials, offer training seminars covering rules, skating, and procedures, all in accordance with USA Hockey, Inc. and its state, district and national referees-in-chief and their staffs, and any others that COHOA shall deem appropriate.


Section 3.1 - Membership Qualifications

Membership shall be restricted to those persons who have met the requirements of COHOA, as determined by the Officers, and as approved by majority vote of the membership in attendance at the annual or any other scheduled meetings of COHOA, and who shall have paid the annual or monthly dues, if any, of COHOA and the registration fees to USA Hockey, Inc. Members shall be comprised of the following classes of membership:

A.    Active: Comprised of individuals who have completed all USA Hockey, Inc. registration requirements, have complied with all membership requirements of COHOA, and are in good standing to officiate hockey games and are at least 14 years of age. Active members will be further classified by categories that may have been, from time to time, established by USA Hockey, Inc.

B.    Inactive: Comprised of individuals who were formerly duly qualified hockey officials who were in good standing when they ceased to be Active Members, and presently do not officiate hockey games.

C.    Affiliate: Comprised of individuals or business entities who are not Active or Inactive Members, but who have special interest in the purposes of COHOA.

D.   Honorary: Comprised of individuals upon whom COHOA desires to confer such status, according to criteria to be established by COHOA.

NOTE: Only Active members, as defined above, who are in good standing are eligible to vote. See Article 3, Section 3.5.

Section 3.2 - Qualified Members

Applicants may apply for membership in COHOA, pursuant to criteria set forth herein, and as may be amended from time to time by COHOA. Such applications for membership shall be accepted or rejected by a majority vote of the board of directors at any meeting they may hold in accordance with these bylaws. Each member of COHOA must sign a membership agreement form stating they are not employees of COHOA nor are required to accept assignments as provided by COHOA (refer to Section 3.7).

Section 3.3 - Resignation

Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Secretary. Said resignation shall be presented to the Board of directors by the Secretary at the first meeting after its receipt. Such resignation shall NOT relieve the member so resigning of the obligation to pay any dues, assessments, or other charges previously accrued and unpaid prior to the receipt of such resignation.

Section 3.4 - Reinstatements (Due to Discipline)

Upon written request signed by a former member filed with the secretary, the board of directors may, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors, reinstate such former member to the membership upon terms as the Board of directors may deem appropriate.

Section 3.5 - Voting Rights

Each active member shall be entitled to one vote on any issue requiring the consent of the general membership, providing that he/she is a member in good standing of COHOA. Membership in COHOA shall be required to be renewed by all members each year. The president of COHOA shall have voting rights in all meetings, including all committees, except for the meetings of the general membership, where he/she will cast a vote only to break a tie.

Section 3.6 - Registration Fees

Registration fees for all classifications of officials shall be the USA Hockey, Inc. registration fee, plus any additional amount deemed necessary by the officers of COHOA and approved by majority vote of the general membership.

Section 3.7 - Status of Members

All members of COHOA are independent contractors in their officiating capacities and not employees of USA Hockey, Inc., COHOA, any officer of COHOA, or any other person or entity for whom the members work as officials. All members of COHOA recognize this status and understand USA Hockey, Inc., COHOA, nor its officers are employers, and therefore, the members shall not be eligible to collect workers' compensation from USA Hockey, Inc., COHOA, its officers or any other person or entity for any injuries sustained while officiating.

Section 3.8 - Good Standing

A member in good standing is a member who has met all the membership requirements contained in these Bylaws, has paid any required dues and/or fees in a timely manner, has observed and complied with these bylaws, is not subject to any disciplinary action by COHOA, and has meet all other requirements of COHOA.


Section 4.1 ‑

COHOA shall have final jurisdiction over all USA Hockey, Inc. officiating programs and all ice hockey officials affiliated with COHOA in Central Oklahoma.


Section 5.1 - Meetings of Members

COHOA shall hold no less than one (1) regular meeting of members during each fiscal year. There shall be one (1) annual meeting of members, which shall be held in August of each year, for the purpose of electing officers and for the transaction of any other business, which may come before the general membership at that meeting. Other meetings may be called by the board of directors when deemed necessary or appropriate.

Section 5.2 - Notice of Meetings

Notice of a meeting of members will be by posted on the COHOA and/or COHOA’s Horizon Web Ref website, and in the Official's Locker Room of area rinks. Notice may also be given via email, by phone, in person, and/or by mail. It is recommended that a minimum of ten (10) days’ notice be provided. Said notice shall include the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, including instructions for online participation if the meeting is to be held via videoconference.

Section 5.3 ‑ Quorum

The presence of 50% of the active membership shall constitute a quorum at the annual meeting. A majority vote of such members where a quorum is present is necessary to decide, except where some other number is required by law or by these bylaws. Meetings may be held via videoconference at the discretion of the officers.

Section 5.4 - Proxies

Members of COHOA or its officers shall not be represented by the use of any proxy at any time.

Section 5.5 - Procedures

Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedures as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order. By majority vote of those active members present, Robert's Rules of Order may be suspended for all or part of the meeting then in progress.

Section 5.6 – Electronic Voting

All voting, including voting for officers, may be conducted online at the discretion of the officers. When online voting is used, a publicly available voting system shall be employed to ensure fairness and the voting period shall last a minimum of 24 hours.


Section 6.1 - General Powers and Duties

The property, business and affairs of COHOA shall be managed by its board of directors, and the board of directors may exercise all such powers of COHOA as are not by law or by these bylaws directed or required to be exercised by the members.

Section 6.2 - Composition

The board of directors shall be comprised of a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. The president shall not vote on actions except as necessary to break a tie. The scheduler shall serve on the board as an ex-officio member.

Section 6.3 - Regular Meetings

A regular meeting of the board of directors shall be held without other notice than this bylaw describes, as soon as practical, immediately following the annual meeting of members. Additional meetings shall be held with written or email notice periodically throughout the year.

Section 6.4 - Special Meetings

Special meetings of the board of directors may be held at any time on the call of the president or at the request of any director. Special meetings of the board of directors may be held at any location approved by the president. (See Article 6, Section 5.) Special meetings may be held in person or via videoconference.

Section 6.5 - Notice of Special Meetings

When practical, notice of each special meeting of the board of directors, indicating the date, time and location of said special meeting, shall be mailed by or at the direction of the secretary to each director addressed to him at his residence or usual place of business, or, at the secretary’s discretion, sent by email to the member’s address stored on file with COHOA, at least three (3) days before the day of the meeting. Any meeting of the board of directors shall be legal. Neither the business to be transacted, nor the purpose of any regular or special meeting of the board of directors need be specified in the notice.

Section 6.6 - Quorum

A majority of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the board of directors. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the directors present may adjourn the meeting to a future date, and the Secretary shall give all absent directors seven (7) days’ notice of such adjourned date; then the directors present, on such adjourned date, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business, provided that in no event shall a quorum consist of less than one-third of the whole board of directors.

Section 6.7 - Informal Action

Any action required to be taken at a meeting of the board of directors may be taken without a meeting if a majority of the board of directors’ consent in writing setting forth the action.


Section 7.1 - Elected Officers

The elected officers of COHOA shall be the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Such officers shall be elected by the eligible general voting membership annually (see also Article 6, Section 2) by the eligible general voting membership who are present at the annual general membership meeting. Except for the initial officers, who shall be elected with the ratification of these bylaws by the membership and have terms of office as outlined in Article 7, Section 10.

Section 7.2 - Qualifications for Elected officers

Only active members of COHOA (See Article 3 Section 1) shall be eligible to be elected as officers.

Section 7.3 - Nominations

The nominations and elections committee shall recommend to the membership a slate of candidates for election at the annual meeting of members. Each officer currently holding office shall have the opportunity to run again for any office. Nominations from all Active members will also be accepted at the annual meeting. Not more than four (4) candidates shall be placed on the ballot for any single office.

Section 7.4 - Removal

Any officer elected by the membership may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the eligible voting membership at a meeting in which a quorum of the officers and a quorum of the general membership is present.

Section 7.5 - Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring in any office may be filled by a majority vote of the board of directors. Each officer so appointed shall hold the office for the unexpired term of the office.

Section 7.6 - Resignations

Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the board of directors. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein unless otherwise specified thereof, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 7.7 - Elections

Election of officers shall be held annually.

Section 7.8 - Re-Elections

All officers who meet the requirements in these bylaws and who are properly nominated are eligible for re-election. There are no term limits.

Section 7.9 - Balloting

Unless a majority of those Active members who are present and in good standing request a secret ballot, balloting shall be by a show of hands (open ballot) by those active members who are present and in good standing or by proxy as provided for by Article 5, Section 4, The question of open vs. secret balloting will be asked prior to the election of each officer. If the election is held electronically, the voting system shall follow an open or closed ballot system as the software in use requires.

Section 7.10 - Term of Office

The term of office for each officer shall be one (1) year from September 1 through August 31.

Section 7.11 - President

The president shall be the chief executive officer of the association and shall, in general, supervise and control all the business and affairs of the association. The president shall preside at all meetings, serve as an ex officio member on all committees, call special meetings of COHOA when deemed necessary, and shall appoint committees as required by these bylaws or as deemed necessary. The president shall negotiate with the various hockey associations, annually on matters relating to game fees and working conditions. Such fees and conditions shall, when finalized, be agreed to in writing by COHOA and by the association concerned. The President may designate other Officers to negotiate on behalf of COHOA. The President, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for all activities of COHOA officials with respect to training, rules, procedures, and conduct. The president shall be responsible for coordinating these activities with USA Hockey, Inc, through the state, district, and national referee-in-chief, and the chapter's representatives.

Section 7.12 - Vice President

In the absence of the president, or in the event of the president's inability or refusal to act, the vice president shall perform the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of the president. The vice president shall also be responsible for such duties as are individually given to him/her by the President. The vice president shall be responsible for ensuring that the treasurer handles the financial affairs of COHOA in a timely and responsible fashion, that all reports including but not limited to the annual report shall be accurate and reflect a true representation of the financial condition of COHOA, ensure that the treasurer maintains all financial and accounting records in an organized and up to date manner and ensure that the treasurer shall file all reports as required by the president, Internal Revenue Service, Oklahoma Tax Commission, or as required by these bylaws. In addition, the vice president shall serve as the Disciplinary Committee chair.

Section 7.13 - Treasurer

The treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of COHOA. He/she shall provide an annual report at the annual election of members and any other reports when deemed necessary by the president. The treasurer shall demonstrate to the vice president that he/she is handling all financial matters of COHOA in a professional manner and shall provide all reports to the vice president for review and audit.

Section 7.14 - Secretary

The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, see that all notices are given in accordance with these bylaws, and in general, perform all the duties incidental to the office of secretary, or as assigned by the president. The secretary shall also be responsible for the registration of COHOA members, keep records of all registrations and memberships, certify eligible voting members, implement appropriate game scheduling procedures, and implement procedures to coordinate registration activities with USA Hockey, Inc. through the state and district referee-in-chief.

Section 7.15 - Area Supervisor

An area supervisor shall be appointed by the president as soon as is practicable following the president's election. The area supervisor shall be responsible to the president for officiating work, evaluation activities, and other duties deemed necessary by the president.


Section 8.1. General

COHOA may have standing committees to deal with the various components of the officiating program. COHOA may have the following committees or others as deemed necessary by the board of directors:

A.    Disciplinary Action Committee: The president shall appoint three (3) members to serve as the Disciplinary Action Committee. This committee shall hear and decide all charges brought against any member. The vice president shall serve as the chair.

B.    Nominating and Elections Committee: The president shall appoint a Nominating and Elections Committee and chairman of the committee. The committee shall consist of directors currently in office. The Nominating and Elections committee shall invite suggestions from the membership of all classes for those of offices which are vacant or about to expire as explained in Article 7, Section 3 of these bylaws. The Nominating and Elections Committee shall then nominate candidates for the required offices and report such nominations to the membership at the annual meeting of members for election. If no committee is appointed for this component, the board of directors shall serve as the Nominating and Elections Committee and the board secretary shall serve as the committee’s chair.

C.    Evaluation and Seminar Committee: The president shall appoint an Evaluations and Seminar Committee which shall be chaired by the area supervisor. The Evaluation and Seminar Committee shall review and maintain the process by which members are evaluated and plan and conduct all seminars and training sessions as required by USA Hockey, Inc., COHOA or as deemed necessary. If no committee is appointed for this component, the area supervisor or a board designee shall serve as the Evaluation and Seminar Coordinator.

Section 8.2 - Committee Member Terms

All committee members shall serve for the same term and pursuant to the same conditions as the officers.


Section 9.1 - Location

The books, accounts, and records of COHOA shall be kept current by the treasurer at all times and shall be stored physically and/or electronically in a secure, readily accessible location.

Section 9.2 - Inspection

The books, accounts, and records of COHOA may be inspected by any member(s) and/or Officer(s) for any reason provided that twenty-four (24) hour notice (verbal or written) is given to the Treasurer and to the President of the request to inspect, except as otherwise provided by law.

Section 9.3 - Audit

The accounts of COHOA shall be audited or reviewed at least once every three years by a certified public accountant who shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of directors and who shall provide a report to the Board of directors which shall be provided to the membership at the next annual meeting of the members. Upon approval of the tax statements by the board of directors the accountant shall prepare the required income tax statements and file them with the Internal Revenue Service, Oklahoma Tax Commission and/or other taxing entities as required by law.


Section 10.1 -Annual Dues

The members may determine from time to time the amount of any member fee, if any, and annual dues payable by the classes of members for supporting organizational activities, the dates upon which payment is due and penalties for nonpayment or failure to pay in a timely manner.


Section 11.1 - Grounds for Discipline

For failure to comply with these bylaws, established authority or regulations of COHOA, or for delinquency in payment of authorized charges, fines, penalties, or assessments, or for any other conduct conclusively established, to be contrary to the best interests of COHOA, a member may be fined, placed on probation, suspended or expelled from COHOA.

Section 11.2 - Notification of Charges

A member charged with a fine or penalty exceeding $50.00 or a member who is suspended or expelled shall receive written notice by mail and/or email of the charges against him/her, indicating the alleged violation with specific reference to the bylaws provision, rule, or regulation he/she allegedly violated, the specific alleged volatile conduct, where and when the, alleged volatile conduct occurred and the person or entity who filed the charge. Such member shall also be provided at that time with copies of all documents related to the charges that may be used in prosecuting the charges. He/she shall also be referred to these bylaws with respect to his/her procedural rights.

Section 11.3 - Right of Hearing

A member charged with any violation noted in Section 11.2 shall have the right to be heard in person or by written statement made by him/her in his/her own defense before the Disciplinary Action Committee. Such right shall be afforded prior to the imposition of any fine, penalty, or other disciplinary action (a member may be placed on "temporary leave" prior to such a hearing and this action will not violate the member's right to a hearing prior to the imposition of disciplinary action) and a member may seek a personal hearing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the written notification to him/her of a violation. At the hearing, the person or entity bringing the charges shall be present (if the member charged does not attend, the hearing will be held in his/her absence) and both sides may present any information and/or documents. Each party may ask questions of the other party and/or the other party's witness(es). Legal counsel may be present and fully participate if COHOA is notified at least three (a) days prior to the date of the hearing so that it can have its own legal counsel present. The hearing may be recorded, and all documents shall be retained. A written decision shall be made and sent to both parties by certified mail, return receipt requested, within fourteen (14) days of the hearing date. A majority vote of the members of the Disciplinary Action Committee shall determine its decision.

Section 11.4 - Appeal

Any member suspended by the Disciplinary Action Committee shall have the right to appeal to the board of directors, by giving its chairman written notice within seven (7) days of the receipt of the Disciplinary Action Committee's decision. The Board of directors shall decide the appeal on the record before the Disciplinary Action Committee and on its review of any further written arguments to be submitted by both parties and received by the chairman no later than seven (7) days prior to the date, set for oral argument. Notice shall be sent by the chairman no later than fourteen (14) days before the date for oral argument. Legal counsel may participate provided COHOA is notified at least three (3) days prior to the date of the hearing so that it can have its own legal counsel present. A written decision shall then be made by majority vote of the Board of directors, and sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, within fourteen (14) days of the date on which oral argument was heard.

Section 11.5 - Member Code of Conduct

All COHOA members will adhere to the Member Code of Conduct as attached to these bylaws and ratified by the general membership.


Section 12.1 - Procedures

These bylaws may be amended or changed at the annual meeting or at any special meeting of the general membership. Each proposed amendment must be submitted to the president at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next annual meeting or scheduled special meeting of the general membership. No amendment shall be eligible for presentation at a meeting unless it has been published and distributed to all eligible voting members at that meeting.

Section 12.2 - Adoption

Any proposed amendment shall be presented, following publishing and distribution at the next scheduled annual or special meeting. After discussion, a vote of the majority of the active members present shall be required to adopt the amendment.


Section 13.1 - Parliamentarian

The secretary of COHOA or his/her designee shall act as parliamentarian at all meetings and COHOA shall follow Robert's Rules of Order when conducting meetings. By majority votes of those active members present Robert's Rules of Order may be suspended for all or part of the meeting then in progress.


Section 14.1 - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of COHOA shall end on the 31st day of August each year.

Section 14.2 - Depositories

The board of directors shall appoint banks, trust companies, or other depositories in which shall be deposited from time to time the money or securities of COHOA.

Section 14.3 - Checks, Drafts, and Notes

All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money and all notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of COHOA shall be signed by such officer or officers or agent or agents as shall from time to time be designated by resolution of the board of directors.

Section 14.4 - Contracts and Other Instruments

Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, the board of directors may authorize any officer, agent or agents to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of COHOA and such authority may be general or confined to specific instance. Such authority shall be made in writing and noted in the minutes of the annual or special meetings.


Section 15.1 - Adoption of Bylaws

As first adopted at the special COHOA formation meeting of April 1, 2009, by a majority vote of the eligible members present. Revisions adopted at a special meeting of the board of directors on July 7, 2021.

Article 16 - Dissolution of Corporation

Section 16.1 – Dissolution of Corporation

In the event the Corporation shall dissolve, any assets held after the payment of all outstanding debts shall be liquidated and the proceeds shall be distributed to any successor organization or to serve the hockey programs in central Oklahoma as the directors shall determine.

Central Oklahoma Hockey Officials Association (COHOA) Member Code of Conduct


COHOA members must be free of obligation to any interest other than the impartial and fair judging of sports competitions. Without equivocation, game decisions that are slanted by personal bias are dishonest and unacceptable.


COHOA members recognize anything that may lead to a conflict of interest, either real or apparent, must be avoided. Gifts, favors, special treatment, privileges, employment or a personal relationship with a school or team, which can compromise the perceived impartiality of officiating must be avoided.


COHOA members have an obligation to treat other officials with professional dignity and courtesy and recognize that it is inappropriate to criticize other officials publicly.


COHOA members have a responsibility to continuously seek self-improvement through study of the game, rules, mechanics and the techniques of game management. They have a responsibility to accurately represent their qualifications and abilities when requesting or accepting officiating assignments.


COHOA members shall protect the public (fans, administrators, coaches, players, et al.) from inappropriate conduct and shall attempt to eliminate from the officiating avocation/profession all practices that bring discredit to it.


COHOA members shall not be party to actions designed to unfairly limit or restrain access to officiating, officiating assignments or association membership. This includes selection for positions of leadership based upon economic factors, race, creed, color, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical handicap, country or national origin.


COHOA members are required to be in the facility where they are scheduled to officiate 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of any travel / tournament officiating assignment accepted by them. COHOA members should strive to maintain the same standard for all house league games. Members are reminded that some tournament organizers and leagues allow games to begin up to 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time when the tournament is running ahead of schedule. If a COHOA member is not on the ice for the start of the game but is on the ice for the start of the second period of any assignment accepted by them, they will forfeit to COHOA a monetary amount equal to one half of the game fee they would have been paid for such assignment.


If a COHOA member is a no-show for any assignment accepted by them, they forfeit to COHOA a monetary amount equal to the fee they would have been paid for such assignment. The no-show fee will be deducted from the amount due on the next timesheet submitted for the COHOA member. The following guidelines will be followed for subsequent no-shows:


COHOA members must cover all officiating assignments accepted from the COHOA scheduler. If they cannot cover an assignment they have accepted, it is the COHOA member's responsibility to immediately contact the COHOA scheduler by the most expeditious means possible and arrange for alternate coverage of the officiating assignment. If the game is a self-assigned game the member may find a substitute and advise the scheduler before the game assignment.


COHOA members who are appointed by the board of directors to conduct evaluations should strive to perform a minimum of two evaluations during the season for COHOA members who are not evaluators. Every effort shall be made to formally evaluate every official at least once per season and any time an evaluation is requested.


COHOA members will file with COHOA a game incident report at the conclusion of the game in all instances where they have assessed a game misconduct or match penalty to any player or team official or ejected a spectator from the facility. Additionally, they will assist in any investigation or hearing on such matters as necessary.


COHOA members should refrain from wearing the USA Hockey crest on their official’s sweater while officiating non-USA Hockey sanctioned game/event.


COHOA members assigned to travel, high school and tournament games shall arrive at and depart the rink dressed in what is commonly referred to as business casual attire or better. Examples are slacks and a collared shirt with optional sport coat or suit for men or, for women, slacks or skirt and a blouse, a suit or a dress. Jeans, shorts, T-shirts, sweats, and team logo apparel are forbidden. COHOA members assigned to work college or professional games should follow the dress code set forth by the assigning organization. In the absence of such a policy, COHOA members shall follow the guidelines set forth in this Article.